Amrik Tumber
“Peerpoint engenders a huge amount of respect for what lawyers are trying to achieve in their personal and professional lives, and that’s really refreshing to see.”
Specializing in M&A, capital markets and debt financing law by day, I’m also at the start of an acting career, which places me in rather a unique position. It was this, in fact, that prompted my joining of the Peerpoint panel in April 2017.
Peerpoint has a sophisticated set-up and provided a viable way for me not only to take periods of time off between assignments to focus on my acting, but also to pursue both careers simultaneously. Peerpoint is solutions-focused, facilitating the needs of the client assignment, while encouraging the professional and personal ambitions of the consultant. There has been total transparency around my commitments, and I’ve found Peerpoint and the clients to be both receptive of, and interested in, my acting work.
As lawyers we tend to be risk-averse, yet taking the step into consultancy can provide so much freedom and opportunity. It’s exciting working for different clients and learning about their organizations in a way in which you may not within a permanent role. It provides an opportunity to not only expand your business and legal network but also to leverage from Allen & Overy’s contacts and relationships. A&O also has an impressive international network, meaning they are well placed to support foreign lawyers in their relocation plans, or in gaining international exposure.
Peerpoint engenders a huge amount of respect for what lawyers are trying to achieve in their personal and professional lives, and that’s really refreshing to see.